Amnesia the dark descent brute
Amnesia the dark descent brute

amnesia the dark descent brute

The tesla is a combat focused servant designed to fight mechanoids.

amnesia the dark descent brute

Note, the engineer cannot construct buildings that have quality levels. The engineer has the same hunger mechanic as the wretch. When taught guard it can repair, uninstall, deconstruct, construct frames and flick switches. When taught haul it can refuel, rearm and deliver to both blueprints and frames.

  • The engineer is the most intelligent servant, and is capable of performing complicated buildings tasks.
  • During this state it can incite other wretch and engineer to join its quest for food. If a wretch grows too hungry it may turn manhunter. It can refuel buildings and turrets and deliver resources to frames when trained in haul, and can mine, plant cut, cleaning filth and flick switches when taught guard.
  • The wretch is a comparatively intelligent servant and is capable of breeding, owing to the addition of pig and orgone.
  • Like the hound and the grunt, it will often stand motionless. It has innate armour that can be upgraded, and it can be outfitted with four implanted weapons.
  • The brute is a combat focused servant, and is incapable of performing more complicated tasks.
  • Like the hound, it will often stand motionless.

    amnesia the dark descent brute

    The grunt is a fairly basic servant, capable of mining, plant cutting, cleaning filth and flicking switches when trained in guard.It's saliva is filled with toxic bacteria, inflicting toxic buildup with its bites. It is a reanimated dog that occasionally displays signs of life, but will mostly stand motionless in one spot. The hound is the first servant you will unlock.All servants, except the tesla, are fully trainable. The Servants:Seven new servants have been added, the Grunt and Brute from 'The Dark Descent', the Wretch, Engineer and Tesla from 'A Machine for Pigs', the harvester from 'Rebirth', and the hound from 'Penumbra: Overture'.

    Amnesia the dark descent brute